Can You Help Me Consultation
This is where ALL new clients begin.
In this 15-minute consultation, we will learn about your unique health situation and the goals you would like to achieve by working together with us.
Once we have a clearer picture of what is going on for you, we recommend which of our offerings will best suit your needs so you can get you the transformation you are wanting.
“When you tend to it in the right way, your body has the ability to rejuvenate and restore from the most extreme conditions and diseases. ~ Anthony William
“She has helped me so much!”
“I know my health is complicated. I’ve had a lot of traumas in my life and major injuries. It’s a miracle that I’m even here. My doctors have tried to help me, but I was in constant, debilitating pain. I was really depressed and even hopeless.
After working with Sandra, I was able to have much needed relief from all the pain. She helped guide me to create healthy boundaries, healthy eating habits, and taught me techniques to heal my depression. I don’t know where I would be without her. She has helped me so much!”