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 Discover the perfect balance of convenience and care with our diverse service offerings - whether you prefer to visit us in person at our welcoming clinic in beautiful Southern Oregon or opt for the ease of our Telehealth or Home-Based Healing Programs.  

We compassionately serve clients across a wide local area including Medford, Ashland, Central Point, Jacksonville, Talent, Phoenix, and neighboring towns like Eagle Point, Applegate, Weed, Mt Shasta and more. We work with clients from all over of the state, country, and world providing specialized, effective care.

Our In-Person Clinical Services provide gentle acupuncture, microneedling, and many other remarkable holistic therapies that align with your health needs. 

Our Telehealth option allows you to conveniently access healing solutions from any location with internet access.

Our Home-Based Healing Programs lets you receive holistic health guidance, tailored to your specific health goals, from the comfort of your own home.

For those seeking a more immersive experience, or if traveling from far away, our VIBRAANT™ Healing Intensives are designed to provide powerful support.

If you’re wanting to completely transform your health and life, we highly recommend you do a Home-Based Healing Program and add on Personalized Care.

Explore our collaborative care options and let’s get you thriving!

When a complex system is far from equilibrium, small islands of coherence in a sea of chaos have the capacity to shift the entire system into a higher order. ~ Ilya Prifofine

Are you tired of struggling with your health?

We primarily offer care for these health conditions:


For Chronic, Complicated, or Acute Pain

  • Are you struggling to do your best, smiling through gritted teeth because of the pain?

    Are you frustrated you can't get through the day without being in pain, and it's hindering you from enjoying activities with your family and friends?

    Is all this pain wearing on you to your core?

    Are you worried about the pain meds you've been taking and their side effects and wishing there was an equally effective (if not more effective), healthier option to stop the pain?


For Stress, Anxiety, or Depression

  • Do you have a pit-in-your-stomach-feeling that just won't go away?

    Are you easily distracted, finding your thinking to be too scattered to focus on pretty much anything?

    Do you want to do things, but can't quite get yourself to do them?

    Are you breathing shallowly or holding your breath, and can't relax your tight neck?

    Do you feel like you have a weight looming over your head and you're losing interest in things you once enjoyed?

    Are you feeling sleepy during the day but wide awake and unable to sleep at night?



for side effects and recovery

  • Do you feel looming fear, even though your doing your best to convince others (and yourself) to be optimistic and hopeful?

    Are you smiling even though you're freaking out on the inside?

    Are you having thoughts of giving up as well as fighting this with all you've got?

    Are you suffering with side effects of cancer treatment - nausea, numbness, appetite changes, weight changes, hair loss, dry mouth, or issues with your nails?

    Are you wanting help with what foods or vitamins to take, or what to avoid, so you can greater enhance your healing?



for improving your appearance

  • Are you dissatisfied with your facial appearance and longing to at least like, if not love, what you see in the mirror?

    Do you want to improve the tone and resilience of your facial muscles?

    Would you like to improve blood flow and energy circulation to your face so you have a radiant, healthy glow?

    Do you want to reduce fine lines, wrinkles, scars, age spots, swelling and puffiness?


If you are struggling with any of the above conditions, please take heart. You are not alone. And, you are in the right place.

We compassionately use evidence-based healing to get you the results you desire.


Imagine how amazing you will feel when:

You feel fresh, vital life energy flowing through places previously stuck with stagnation and limitation.

You’re delighting in resolved pain, stress, anxiety, and fear, and are effortlessly enjoying your day’s activities.

You feel empowered and able to understand the messages your body and surroundings are giving you… and you have a plan to gently “course correct” when needed to maintain your health.

You feel deeply rejuvenated from embodying your sacredness, and can’t help but smile, noticing how much more accepting and loving you are with yourself and those around you.

You can confidently take care of your needs in a balanced way, easily upholding healthy boundaries, and ever so grateful to see the positive ripple effects of doing so.

You are seen, witnessed, and heard in a safe and sacred space, so you can confidently discover and implement your unique path to vibrant health.


Here’s what one of many of our satisfied clients has to say

“Takes The Time To Get To Know You”

I’ve been seeing Sandra for a handful of months with great results. She has helped me through pregnancy, kickstarting labor, and now through a terribly painful back injury. Her knowledge and expertise is incredible and she is so kind and professional. Sandra takes the time to get to know you and does an in-depth assessment to start your relationship and provided a check in before every treatment to pinpoint problems and areas of focus for the day. 


We know you want to feel fantastic, too! We’re so excited to work together with you to achieve it!

This is what raises our vibration—the presence of unconditional love, and the capability to open our hearts; to live with empathy, compassion, kindness, and altruism; and to help others to reach their potential. ~ Brian Weiss