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Terms & Conditions

Thank you for your interest in working with Sandra Curry and Love of Life, LLC.

Please read these Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) carefully before using this website (“Website”) operated by Sandra Curry and Love of Life, LLC (“We”, “Us”, “Our”). 


By using or accessing this website, and/or downloading or installing any of the Our services, tools, and information, you (“You”, “Yourself”, “Your”, “User”) agree to be bound by all Terms, which You have read, understood, and acknowledge. These terms apply to all Users of this Website, including, without limitation, visitors, vendors, customers, merchants, and/or content contributors.

Your use and access to this Website, as a visitor, User, or otherwise, is voluntary and conditional upon Your acceptance of and compliance with these Terms. If You disagree with any part of these Terms, You do not have Our permission to access or use the Website, or use any services. Your use of this Website constitutes acceptance of any and all changes.

We reserve the right, at any and all times, and at Our sole discretion, to change, modify, alter, revise these Terms, as well as any other aspect to this Website. It is Your responsibility to review at any time on this page to keep Yourself informed of any changes by reviewing the most current version. We reserve the right to update or change the services of this Website at any time, for any reason, without notice to You.

This Website may contain information for Your reference that is historical in nature, and as such, may not be current. We assert that We have no obligation to update the information on this Website. 

These Terms apply to all services and products sold or offered free of charge by Us, on this Website or any other Website owned by Us that contains a link to this page.


If You are having a medical emergency, dial 911 and go to Your nearest emergency department immediately.

Sandra Curry is not a licensed medical doctor (M.D.), osteopath (D.O.), chiropractor (D.C.), naturopath (N.D./N.M.D.), dietitian (R.D.), pharmacist, psychologist, psychiatrist, or therapist.

While Sandra Curry is a licensed Acupuncturist and Doctor of Traditional East Asian Medicine, also known as Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, (D.A.C.M.), she is not YOUR doctor. 

We offer general health information on this Website and through Our programs, classes, and events. You agree that You are using this information at Your own risk, and acknowledge that Your voluntary participation and use of the information offered here does not mean that Sandra Curry is YOUR doctor. 

Through this Website and Our programs, classes, and events, We do not provide medical, psychological, or other professional advice or treatment; nor do We provide or prescribe any medical diagnosis, treatment, medication, or remedy.

The services, products, methods, information, and/or guidance provided by Us are not intended to diagnose, treat, prescribe, prevent, or cure any condition or disease, whether physical, mental, emotional, energetic, and/or spiritual. They are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, treatment, therapy, or care, nor should they be construed as medical care, medical prescription, nor promise or guarantee of benefit/cure/results. 

By using this Website and the information it shares, You agree You are 100%, complete responsibility for Your health and wellbeing. You alone are responsible and accountable for Your choices, decisions, actions, and results. By using this Website and any programs, events or classes, You agree to not attempt to hold Us responsible or liable for Your choices, decisions, actions, and results, under any circumstances, and at all times.

If You need specific information and guidance on Your own personal health condition, You may inquire if You may be a good candidate to be seen personally in the clinic, and/or, of course, if You have a condition that requires medical care, You are encouraged and may seek out professional health care from Your primary care physician or Your other appropriate licensed healthcare professional.

We offer information, coaching, and guidance, based in several holistic systems, modalities, and techniques. We aim to help You understand and identify the source of imbalance and disharmony in the body and amplify Your body’s own innate healing capacity.

If You are uncertain of Your ability to use or follow the information offered in this Website, programs, classes, or events, please consult Your primary care physician before beginning. It is Your responsibility to make sure that the services are suitable for You.

We do not and will not advise You to discontinue or avoid Your healthcare appointments, therapy, providers, consultations, or care. We do not recommend You adjust, discontinue, or modify any current medications, treatment, therapy, or care, without doing so under the guidance of Your licensed, qualified, and competent primary care physician.

The methods We use may be combined with any existing healthcare system, whether traditional/allopathic or alternative/natural/holistic/complementary. If You believe You need medical care, We encourage You to seek the care of Your primary care physician or other competent and qualified healthcare professional.

If anything You do related to using Our programs, classes, events, products, services, or offerings causes You to believe You are having an unpleasant reaction or side effect, immediately stop the use of what is causing the issue, notify Us as soon as possible, and immediately seek care with Your primary care physician.


We do not and cannot make guarantees, promises, or warranties, whether express or implied, related to Our services about Your ability to achieve results by using Our information, ideas, programs, tools, products, or strategies. We accept no responsibility for the results You obtain through use of this Website, services, programs, products, content, curriculum, and/or offerings. It is extremely likely that if You do not put in the work, You will not get results. We highly recommend that You do not purchase any of Our programs unless You are ready and willing to do Your healing work. All products and services are for educational and information purposes only.

Your use of any of the offerings, products or services is done so at Your sole risk. We make no warranty that:

(a) the offerings, information, products, services, or any purchased material, or quality of them, will meet Your requirements, needs, or expectations;

(b) the results that may be obtained from the use of the products or services will be accurate, reliable, or a guarantee;

(c) any errors in the information, product, pricing, or service will be corrected;

(d) the products and/or services will be delivered uninterruptedly, timely, securely, or error-free.

Any material downloaded or obtained through the use of this Website, its services or products are obtained at Your own risk.

Any results referenced on the Website or in the testimonials, are examples only and should not be considered a promise of Your results or performance.

In no case shall We, Our agents, affiliates, contractors, directors, employees, interns, licensors, officers, service providers, suppliers be liable for any claim, damages, injury, or loss of any kind, arising from You voluntary use of Our products or services. Our liability shall be limited to the maximum extent permitted by law.


By accessing any aspect of this Website, at any and all times, You agree that You will use the Website in accordance with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations. The following is a non-exhaustive list of prohibited uses - any attempt or use by You to:

(a) use a device or any means to disable, damage, overburden, undermine, attack, or impair the Website, its server, its storage, or any of its proper functioning operations, including, but not limited to server, computer, storage, or database connected to the Website;

(b) interfere with or restrict another person’s use of the Website;

(c) attack, in any method We determine to be, at Our sole discretion, the Website, Sandra Curry, Love of Life, LLC, or their reputation, due to denial of services;

(d) use the Website, services, or information in any way that is illegal, unauthorized, or violates local, state, or federal laws, rules, and regulations;

(e) gain unauthorized access to any aspect of the Website, server, database, or storage;

(f) advertise, promote, or send information or material such as but not limited to spam, junk mail, or any similar material;

(g) that We may determine in Our sole discretion, that may harm or expose to liability Us or any of the Users of this Website;

(h) deceive or impersonate Sandra Curry or the employees, representatives, or divisions of Love of Life, LLC;

(i)  to misrepresent, falsify Your identity or any information, and/or for failure to disclose pertinent and vital information in a truthful, accurate, and complete manner, or fail to update Your account information when You register with Us or use the Website in any way that may affect the services, products, and/or offerings We provide;

(j) hold Us responsible for errors of fact, typography, inaccuracies, or omission, or for any consequences arising from the use or misuse of Our services, products, and/or offerings;

(k) monitor, replicate, share, disseminate, adapt, improve, enhance, translate, duplicate, reproduce, copy, sell, resell, exploit, or modify what You have purchased, anything from this Website, what You have used, read, or accessed, without express written permission from Us;

(l) use the information, offerings, services, or products for purposes for which it was not designed nor intended;

(m) use what You have purchased for any other reason other than for Your own personal, non-commercial use only;

(n) use any of the material on this Website for any unauthorized purpose. Unauthorized use includes resale, dealers and distributors;

(o) use this Website if You are not of the age of majority in Your state of residence without consent of Your parent or legal guardian;

(p) solicit for any reason, legal or illegal;

(q) harass, discriminate, abuse, defame, or act in any other negative manner towards Us or any User of this Website in any form, based on and including but not limited to race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, age, nationality, or ethnicity;

(r) to track or collect personal information of other Users;

(s) any attempt or violation of the Community Guidelines outlined below.

If in Our sole determination, You have engaged or are suspected by Us to have engaged, in such prohibited activities will result in immediate termination of Your services and may be a violation of criminal and civil laws. We reserve the right to disqualify You from any and all participation, current or future, and reserves the right to seek damages from You to the fullest extent of the law. 

We may terminate at any time this agreement without notice to You. In such event, You will remain liable for any amounts due up to and including the date of termination.


Our community is filled with diverse people of all backgrounds. We intentionally create and keep a safe environment for all. The following guidelines tell You what sharing is and is not allowed in Our groups and community. We kindly request that You notify Us if anyone in Our community is violating Our community guidelines, or behaving in a questionable way. We reserve the right, at Our sole discretion, to remove posts, content, comments, and community members. 

Be respectful. Treat Yourself with respect, care, love and reverence. Treat others the way You would wish to be treated - with love, care, and reverence. Give people the benefit of the doubt. Work to find common ground and values, and mutual understanding. Cherish diversity. Check Your judgements at the door.

No solicitation. This is a safe space for all to heal without need to be guarded, wary, or harassed.

Respect confidentiality. If You have something to share about Your experience, You are welcome to share Your experience. If You have something You would like to share about someone else’s experience, We politely and firmly remind You that is for them to share, if they choose.

No hate talk or discrimination of any kind. Period. End of discussion. Any violation of this will result of Your immediate removal from the program, event, or community. You will forfeit Your refund to the maximum extent allowed by law. You will not be allowed to participate in future events.

Should You choose to partner up with, befriend, work together, barter or trade with someone, You have met through Our programs, classes, events, or other offerings, We, under any and all circumstances, will not be held liable for any situation, result, or outcome from that collaboration and connection.


All information, wisdom, offerings, and content of this Website are the intellectual and proprietary property of, and owned by, Sandra Curry and Love of Life, LLC. As long as You comply with, and subject to, the Terms, We grant to You the program information, wisdom, offerings, services, and products, to be used for Your own personal use only. Any other use will be considered a violation of the Terms and infringement of intellectual property, copyright, and trademark. You agree to not share Your program information with anyone else. We reserve the right to subject You to criminal penalty and seek monetary damages. You agree that You will not use any of the materials or information other than for its intended use according to the Terms. This Agreement does not grant You any intellectual or proprietary property rights, and all rights not expressly granted are reserved by Sandra Curry.

If You are aware of a potential infringement of Our intellectual or proprietary property, please contact Us immediately.


We reserve the right, at any and all times, to adjust the prices, to modify, or discontinue any of Our products and services, or Your eligibility, without notice to You. We are not liable for any adjustments, modifications, or discontinuance of Our products or services.

We may offer products or services exclusively through Our Website. We reserve the right to limit or cancel the sales of Our products or services in any and all manners We choose.

We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason at any time.

We may offer new products or services from time to time. Any products or services from Us are subject to these Terms

You agree that We may store and use the information You provided Us for use to maintain and bill Your account.

You agree to download and safely store any product or program information You purchase from Us. We are not responsible nor liable for Your loss, damage, or destruction of said item(s). 

We may include or offer a product on this Website and state that by doing so does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement by Us.

Our services may require You to have internet access and an email address. It is Your responsibility to ensure that Your systems will meet those requirements and function appropriately as needed.


Where a money back guarantee is offered, the guarantee only covers the price of the product. It does not cover shipping and handling fees as You made the decision to try the product and therefore, agreed to pay for the shipping and handling.

To make a return, You must first contact Us.

All returns will be refunded to the original credit card used or mailed in check form to the billing name and address You provided.

For product returns that have a money back guarantee, You have THIRTY (30) DAYS to return Your purchase after the refund has been approved for return. Failure to do so within the THIRTY (30) DAYS means You forfeit Your right to a refund

To return products, We strongly suggest You do so certified mail with a tracking number. We are not responsible for any products We don’t receive back, nor for lost, missing, or slow mail. If You do not have delivery confirmation or signature required proof of return, We cannot issue You a refund. We will honor lost, missing, or slow postmarked mail for up one year after Your product purchase date.

To cancel Your package, You must first contact Us.

In the event of a return, You will be refunded the unused portion of Your package purchase, less the full price rates of what had already been delivered to You. We will not refund You for portions delivered to You that You may have chosen not follow through on, ignore, or did not use.

To cancel Your subscription or membership, You must cancel before it renews to avoid the next cycle’s billing fees to Your chosen Method of Payment. Requests for cancellation posted after the next cycle has been charged will not be refunded.

Excessive returns will not be accepted. Refunds will not be given to You more than once.


Your subscription or membership will continue to be billed monthly until You or We cancel it. You may cancel at any time by notifying Us. Your subscription or membership may begin with a free trial. The trial period lasts for thirty (30) days or as otherwise specified when You sign up. 

Restrictions may apply and We reserve the right, at Our sole discretion, to determine Your trial eligibility. You will receive notice that Your trial is about to end and You are about to begin paying for Your membership or subscription. You will be automatically renewed each month unless You notify Us of Your wish to cancel. In the event of an Annual membership or subscription, You will receive notice that Your trial is about to end, and provide You with an option to renew annually. If You do not notify Us, Your membership will revert to a month-to-month membership or subscription.

Your subscription or membership requires You to have internet access. You must provide Us with a current, valid, and accepted Method of Payment to use for Our service. You will be charged to the Method of Payment You used upon signing up, unless You update or change Your Method of Payment.


We reserve the right to change all aspects of Our events, including and not limited to, locations, venues, information, speakers, and pricing without notification. Tickets held by You, or any other ticket holder, may not be sold, resold, traded, exchanged, auctioned, donated, or transferred without express written permission from Us.

There are many of Our community members that are chemical and scent sensitive, including Sandra Curry. We kindly ask that You not wear or use perfume, cologne, or scented bodily products or other strong odor producing material to Our live events. We believe You would rather get Your money’s worth from the event by allowing Your hostess to function at her full ability than to have to cancel the day or event due to an easily-prevented induced migraine. We know this may be an inconvenience for You to remember, and are grateful for Your attention to this detail. In the event that You have forgotten, ignored, or violated this request, You will be asked to leave the event, shower, and change into scent-free clothing before returning. We reserve the right to offer events that may or may not include scented products. In those cases, We will notify participants in the event details of such. It is Your responsibility and choice to determine if the event will be appropriate for Your particular needs and scent sensitivites.


Any offered live streams are offered “as is” and “as available.” We offer no guarantees or warrantees about the functioning of such events, or that it may be error-free or uninterrupted. We will not be held responsible nor liable for any malfunction of technology, including and not limited to internet, third party platforms, computers. We will not be held liable for any issue resulting in downloading or streaming any of Our events. We reserve the right to cancel, re-schedule, terminate, or suspend the event, at Our sole discretions.


You acknowledge that You are consciously and intentionally choosing to participate, sign up for, access, attend, and/or interact with Us, this Website, and/or Our support team, which may include but are not limited to managers, agencies, consultants, contractors, and sponsors, Our events and offerings that may be held in-person or online

We may provide You with links, referrals, or access to third party tools and other independent websites and services which are not provided by Us, and as such, We have no ability to control or monitor. We are not responsible nor liable for any harm or damages from any transactions made with optional third party websites and services. It is Your sole choice, judgement, and risk whether to use or purchase any products or services from third party websites. Our inclusion does not imply Our endorsement, recommendation, or association. They are for Your reference only.


You may share Your comments, feedback, and provide a testimonial to Us at any time, with or without a request from Us. By doing so, You agree that We reserve the right to edit, copy, publish, or share, without restriction to any medium We may choose. 

We guarantee that any identifying data and protected health information, such as Your name, will be removed to protect Your privacy, unless permission is otherwise granted by You, in written form, to share by Us. We agree to no maintenance, compensation, or follow through to any comments.

We retain the right to remove, monitor, or edit any content that We determine, at Our sole discretion, to be offensive, threatening, harmful, defamatory, questionable, unlawful, inappropriate, or obscene.

Your submission of personal information on the Website is governed by Our Privacy Policy. The link is next to the Terms link on the Website.


Any affiliate or sponsor relationships, free or paid for Us products, or other sort of relationship required to be disclosed, will be clearly noted next to whatever link, discount code, coupon, or area that pertains to said offer or product.


Your purchase may be paid by credit card or electronic funds transfer. We do not accept personal checks. You agree that chargebacks are not allowed and agree to not utilize such a method.


You agree to hold harmless, indemnify and defend Us and Our agents, affiliates, contractors, directors, employees, interns, licensors, officers, service providers, and suppliers from any claim or demand, including attorney fees, due to Your breach of the Terms.

In no way shall We be held liable for damages of any kind for any reason, connected to Your use or access of the Website, or linked Websites, products, services, or offers from third parties.

You, on Your own behalf and on behalf of Your heirs, personal representatives, guardians and any persons deriving their claims through You or on Your behalf, hereby waive, release and hold Us harmless from any and all claims, liabilities and damages of any nature or kind whatsoever, related in any way to the products or services provided by Us.

We are not responsible or liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or punitive, or any other damages of any kind arising from the services. We are not responsible for events out of Our control. In the event that there is a delay outside of Our control, We will notify as soon as possible and do Our best to minimize the delay. We will not be held liable for delays, failures, or damages caused. 

If there is any dispute involving these Terms, products, services, or the payment of fees for such, You agree to first attempt to resolve the issue with direct negotiation with Sandra Curry. If the dispute is not settled in that manner, You agree to attempt in good faith, to resolve it via mediation before any arbitration, litigation, or other process.

You agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of the State of Arizona for the purpose of any suit, action, or legal proceeding related to the Terms, Our services, products, or offers and agree to not commence any sort of proceedings outside of the State of Arizona. You waive any type of objection to the jurisdiction of any court or legal proceeding to the fullest extent permitted by law. You agree to waive to the fullest extent of the law, any claim that a proceeding is brought in an inconvenient forum. 

You agree to hold harmless, indemnify, and defend Us from and against any and all claims, damages, expenses, and liabilities of any type resulting from Your failure to disclose accurate and complete information to Us.


In any aspect of these Terms are determined to be unenforceable, unlawful, or void, it and the rest of the Terms shall be enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. The unaffected Terms shall continue to be enforceable and valid.

Failure to uphold or enforce any part of this agreement bu Us does not constitute a  of Our right or provision. Any ambiguities in these Terms shall not be construed against Us.


We are committed to accessibility and ensuring that everyone, with or without disabilities, has full and equal access to our products, offerings, and services. We strive to meet the accessibility standards of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 AA. Please contact Us with Your questions, concerns, or feedback via Our contact link.


If We must contact You, We will do so using the contact information You provided to Us. Please keep Your contact up to date with Us. You may contact Us via the contact page information on this Website.