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What can acupuncture and Traditional East Asian Medicine help?

What conditions can Acupuncture and Traditional East Asian Medicine help?

Acupuncture can benefit many conditions; it’s true!

If you’ve been wondering if acupuncture actually works and what it can best treat, this post is for you.

Here in the Western world, many people have not been exposed to acupuncture. Dr Sandra shares that she didn’t even know about it until she was 19. Her first exposure was when reading a magazine, and saw an ad for a Masters degree program in Acupuncture.

magazine with tea mug and plant in background

She paused for quite some time wondering what acupuncture could be, as obviously it was important because you could get a Masters degree in it!

It wasn’t until 7 years later, when she was 26, and already enrolled in her Traditional East Asian Medicine (TEAM) program, that she finally received an acupuncture treatment herself!

That’s right, she started acupuncture school before she ever even had an acupuncture treatment!

Often times, if someone has been exposed to acupuncture, it’s through movies or other media where the acupuncture is sensationalized and not portrayed accurately … and where the person has hundreds of needles in.

Maybe you remember memes like this that were circulating years ago:

acupuncture what society thinks i do/can do/afraid i'll do, what patients think i do, what i think i do, what i actually do

Dr Sandra can recall an old insurance commercial where a man was told to jump out of a window while he had hundreds of points in. Or another video where someone has hundreds of points in their face and says it’s cosmetic acupuncture.

These types of portrayals hurt not only the acupuncture industry but also the people watching as so many viewers don’t realize it’s not accurate or reflective of what an actual acupuncture treatment would be like. If that was what a real treatment was like, there is NO WAY Dr Sandra would receive acupuncture herself!

Since many people aren’t exposed to what an authentic acupuncture treatment looks like, it’s no wonder Dr Sandra often gets asked,

“Does acupuncture actually work? I mean really, no foolin’ actually work?”

“Is acupuncture voodoo?”

“Does acupuncture hurt?”

The short answer to these questions is, in order: YES, NO, and NOT USUALLY.

To give you an idea of just how many conditions acupuncture can benefit, see this poster Dr Sandra made:

List of conditions acupuncture can treat

Are you surprised at how many conditions acupuncture can help? Did you find a condition you are suffering from on there? Did you have a moment where you thought about a family member’s or friend’s illness and can’t wait to tell them acupuncture can help them too?

If you’re wanting to get started ASAP so we can help you recover your health, here are some helpful links:

There are SO many conditions that acupuncture can benefit and treat!

Many people first come to try acupuncture when they are desperate for relief, when they are at their last resort and have tried everything else.

You need to know that you don’t have to experience months, or years, of illness, disease, and pain before you get relief!

Acupuncture Works!

If you’d like to see what the World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes acupuncture to help, click the WHO link. If you didn’t see your condition on the poster above, perhaps you will find it in the WHO lists.

You need to know that by no means are WHO lists or the acupuncture poster Dr Sandra made a complete, comprehensive inventory of the ONLY conditions that acupuncture can treat. There are many, many, MANY more conditions that acupuncture has benefited. 

Some conditions Dr Sandra has successfully helped but are not on these lists include:

  • Childhood Developmental Delays - including crawling, walking, talking

  • Sarcoidosis

  • Cancer (more than just the symptom of pain)

  • Chemotherapy Sequella

  • Lyme’s Disease

  • Broken Bone Healing and Pain

  • Auto Accident Injuries

  • Crush Injuries

  • Worker Injuries

  • Phantom Limb Pain

  • Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

  • Autism

  • Environmental Sensitivities

  • Empathic Sensitivities

If you are ready to go from feeling like this:

woman in pain

to this:

happy woman with arms above head in field of sunflowers

we would be honored to assist you in your healing journey.

You can get started by checking out our Healing Programs or by Booking A Consultation.